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Our past auctions showcase how well this selling option can work for home sellers. Check out some of our recent sales below.

6060 Snowy Owl, Mississauga
Results: sold for 133% of the listing price, 28 bidders ready to bid and the final sale price reached within two minutes of bidding opening

6 Mozart Ave, Toronto
Results: sold for 114% of the listing price, $50,000 over any comparable property, over 50 private showings and 45 total bids.

37 Helendale Ave
Results: sold for 104% of the listing price, national media attention and hundreds of viewers watching the auction.

6060 Snowy Owl, Mississauga
Results: sold for 133% of the listing price, 28 bidders ready to bid and the final sale price reached within two minutes of bidding opening

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